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Crossing the Rubicon – Bob Dylan


El último tema del disco es un tema larguísimo, y por tanto no lo vamos a colocar acá. Es el tema dedicado al asesinato del presidente Kennedy. En este tema, Bob Dylan va narrando todo lo que aconteció antes y después del asesinato del presidente Kennedy allá en Dallas, en noviembre del año 1963.

Murder Most Fall”, dura 16 minutos con 55 segundos, casi 17 minutos. Es algo muy especial, pero precisamente por esa longitud no lo vamos a incluir.

Vamos a cerrar entonces esta navegación de la semana con un tema dedicado a otro gobernante: Julio César. Sí, al romano, el que cruzó el Rubicon, y aquí el tema se titula precisamente “Crossing the Rubicon” – “Cruzando el Rubicon” –.

Esta es la navegación que hemos hecha esta semana por el disco más reciente, magnífico por demás, con apenas cinco temas de diez, de Bob Dylan: “Rough And Rowdy Ways”.



[Verse 1]

I crossed the Rubicon on the 14th day
Of the most dangerous month of the year
At the worst time, at the worst place
That’s all I seem to hear
I got up early
So I can greet the goddess of the dawn
I’ve painted my wagon, abandoned all hope
And I crossed the Rubicon
[Verse 2]
Well, the Rubicon is a red river
Goin’ gently as she flows
Redder than your ruby lips
And the blood that flows from the rose
Three miles north of purgatory
One step from the great beyond
I prayed to the cross, I kissed the girls
And I crossed the Rubicon
[Verse 3]
What are these dark days I see?
In this world so badly bent
I cannot redeem the time
The time so idly spent
How much longer can it last?
How long can it go on?
I embrace my love, put down my hair
And I crossed the Rubicon
[Verse 4]
I can feel the bones beneath my skin
And they’re tremblin’ with rage
I’ll make your wife a widow
You’ll never see old age
Show me one good man in sight
That the sun shines down upon
I pawned my watch, I paid my debts
And I crossed the Rubicon
[Verse 5]
Put my hide up on a hill
Where some happiness I’ll find
If I survive, then let me love
Let the hour be mine
Take the high road, take the low
Take any one you’re on
I poured the cup, I passed it along
And I crossed the Rubicon
[Verse 6]
Well, you defiled the most lovely flowers
In all her womanhood
Others can be tolerant
Others can be good
I’ll cut you up with a crooked knife
Lord, and I’ll miss you when you’re gone
I stood between Heaven and Earth
And I crossed the Rubicon
[Verse 7]
You won’t find any happiness here
No happiness or joy
Go back to the gutter, try your luck
Find you some nice pretty boy
Tell me how many men I need
And who can I count upon
I strapped my belt, I buttoned my coat
And I crossed the Rubicon
[Verse 8]
I feel the holy spirit inside
See the light that freedom gives
I believe it’s in the reach of
Every man who lives
Keep as far away as possible
It’s darkest ‘fore the dawn (Oh Lord)
I turned the key, I broke it off
And I crossed the Rubicon
[Verse 9]
Mona, baby, are you still in my mind?
I truly believe that you are
Couldn’t be anybody else but you
Who’s come with me this far
The killing frost is on the ground
And the autumn leaves are gone
I lit the torch, I looked to the east
And I crossed the Rubicon





Escuche también: Mother of Muses”, de Bob Dylan




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